

Consumption Data – Categories

Adult (551,16 lb.)

  • Maximum intake: 176,37 lb./ 220,46 lb. PV
  • Minimum intake: 55,12 lb./ 220,46 lb. PV

Calf (up to 440,92 lb.)

  • Maximum intake: 99,21 lb./ 220,46 lb. PV
  • Minimum intake: 44,09 lb./ 220,46 lb. PV
Nutritional values

Standard Molasses Blocks are formulated to cover 100% of the macro and micro mineral requirements of those animals that are fed with the maximum estimated dose and which are offered soft water to drink.

In the case of cattle in particular, the blocks can contain anywhere from 4% to 8% of urea to meet the customer´s specific requirements.

Molasses Blocks are diet supplements, solid in form, that facilitate the supply of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and plant extracts, among others, in order to improve the balance of intakes based on pastures and silage in a simple and low-cost fashion.

It is manufactured through the evaporation of the moisture in its raw materials, molasses mainly. On account of its composition, being low in fibers, with a neutral PH and a humidity that does not exceed the 5%, several different ingredients are easily added and passed on without denaturing them; besides, it is scarcely hygroscopic.

  • Its high sugar content from the molasses provides an important supply of energy, fermentable by the rumen´s microflora.
  • The addition of bypass fats provides energy which is usable at intestinal level.
  • Improves the digestibility of the fodder.
  • Meets the macro and micro mineral requirements.
  • Its notorious hardness and resistance guarantee that it is eaten by licking.
  • It withstands rain and harsh weather conditions without absorbing the moisture, thus ensuring its stable and metered food consumption.
  • By virtue of their essential characteristics, the blocks can be consumed as a diet supplement all year long, complementing and balancing intakes, improving the digestibility of the fodder and its consumption, which results in an enhanced animal performance.
  • The packaging is biodegradable.

Available in cardboard boxes of 55.11lb.

It is offered to livestock in its own package, which can be and is generally eaten by the animals without causing any harm to their own health, since it is made of cardboard with no metal staples or plastic elements.

When supplied, bear in mind:

  • Amount of animals

    A larger quantity of blocks offered will result in more motivation for eating.

    In order to reach maximum intake, one block every ten animals is recommended. If the minimum intake or about the minimum intake is the goal, then, one block every 30 animals is recommended.

    It is advisable that blocks are displayed apart from one another.

  • Weather conditions

    In the event that temperatures rise above the 86°F (30°C), it is advisable that blocks are displayed in the shade.

    Under high temperatures, eating is stimulated by the display of blocks near the troughs or drinking water. Therefore, it is recommended that blocks are laid out away from these water sources, in order to keep the intake metered.

  • Amount and quality of the fodder the cattle are being fed with

    In areas under differed grazing or with scarce pastures, greater intake will be required, while in those endowed with abundant green grass the intake is considerably lower.

    Molasses Blocks are an important tool to direct the grazing to those preferred areas.

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